Melford 1978 - 1983

The company moved to Long Melford in1976. The Melford, one of the company's best known touring caravans in the early years took its name from the manufacturing location, and became a watch word for style, reliability and quality.

We believe it was produced from 1978, it could have been earlier but not before 1976.

We have a few pictures below. Alan D bought 'Millie' a 1978 Melford for £30 off e-Bay.


Raven now owns 'Millie' and she is now in her garden. She uses 'Millie' as her writing studio. It looks vastly different from how it did originally!
The upper bunk The Wardrobe area and a picture of the inside A view to the rear


We have also found this picture of a 1980 Melford. 

In 1980, all Fleetwood caravans, including the Melford range, had the same distinct exterior colour scheme of magnolia with a chestnut waistband.


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