NEW Members only

(Please use Renewal of Membership if you are already a member)

To join the club:-

Click on Subscribe, fill in the form and then make your payment via Paypal.

(Please note there is a £1 charge for making an online payment).

Total Cost (£21)

Please be aware that the information you provide to the Club when you join will be used by the Club for purposes only in connection with the running of the Club, which includes communicating by email, post and telephone. It will never be disclosed for marketing purposes The data is stored on a computer and may be provided to Committee members and other members by email or telephone when it is needed to facilitate the running of the Club, rallies etc.

Your details can be removed from our stored records within 28 days of a written request. You have a right to complain to the ICO if you believe there is a problem with the Club’s handling of your data.

Price: 21.00 GBP

To join the Fleetwood Owners Club click here to

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