1992 Fleetwood Report from Mr Richard Allen at AGM

Mr Allen said it had been a long haul to Easter and the factory had had problems the same as most due to the recession and the uncertain political situation which has affected both the manufacturing and retail side of caravanning but Mr Allen was very happy to tell us that Fleetwood are weathering the storm better than many of their competitors.  Value for money has been a corner-stone of their policy and the order book for the end of year was very healthy.  He was cautiously optimistic that, when the recovery does come, Fleetwood will be well placed to continue with controlled expansion.  The Garland 185 has been a success making over 100 to date of which 95% had gone to a retail order.  The Garland range has continued to be in the forefront of the Company’s success, the Garland 164 being the most popular family caravan of its type.  The Colchester has a completely new identity and, at the top end of the market, is an affordable price and once again selling well against the competition of the more famous names; also the Crystal is selling well against competition.

By the end of the season just over 1300 caravans will have been manufactured, of which 60% Garland, 30% Colchester and 10% Crystal.  Prototyping for 1993 is wall in hand with improvements and new layouts.  Mr Allen was very pleased to see the number of caravans this weekend, there being 41 outfits.  Mr Allen then gave his thanks for being invited and thanked everyone who supported the club at the factory visit and the two major shows.  Finally Mr Allen wished the Chairman and the outgoing committee his congratulations on a successful year and the newly elected committee an equally successful year and expressed hope that the club will continue to prosper. 

Mr Allen had a personal note for Mr & Mrs Sewell.  The factory appreciated all the hard work given over the past 3 years forming a new club, the valuable link Mr S Sewell had provided.  He wished Mr & Mrs Sewell well.  Finally, Mr Allen announced that Earls Court is now October 15th, 1992 and hoped everyone would enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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