Info - Where can I get a Manual for my Fleetwood?

Manuals for Fleetwood Caravans have been issued in various formats

We have been collecting copies of manuals so that we can help our members and Fleetwood owners with any queries that they have.  We still need 1991 & 1992 but have all the others from 1988 onwards.

We do allow owners to download a PDF copy for the year of their caravan in exchange for a fixed donation to the Club plus £1 to cover transaction costs. (These donations help us to continue offering this service to owners.)

Below we've shown the different manuals issued and the years they covered

Manuals issued with earlier caravans were called Owners Handbooks
From 1989 they became Owners Instruction Manuals
From 1994 they became Owners Handbooks again and may have either a blue or green cover

From 2002 they became known as User's Manuals and were produced by Preset Graphics.

If you want a hard copy, they will re-print both User's Manuals and Service Manuals - their phone number is 01332 549278. 

Please mention the Club when contacting them.


  • Tuesday, 10 September 2013

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