Q&A - Help sockets not working!

Just returned from a trip in our 2003 Colchester 520-EB, and had a problem with all our sockets!! They tripped three times then didn’t work at all

Luckily we found one in the in a top cupboard that was working. Help any ideas?


Sorry to hear of your electrical problems. I assume you are referring to the 230 volt sockets?

From how you have described the issue, it sounds to me, that either something is connected into one of the sockets that has failed or there is a loose wire internally in one of the sockets causing the earth leakage device to trip.

First check all sockets to confirm nothing has been left connected to one of them and they are all switched off.

If so, you'll need to gain access to the rear of each socket in turn and check for loose or broken connections.

If there are no obvious signs here, you should then go to the trip device and check that for same.

If there are no signs of a defect, you'll need to trace each section of wiring to see if it's been pinched or snagged in some way.

It goes without saying that while working on any electrical circuit you need to ensure that the supply has been isolated.

There are other checks that can be made so if the above does not yield the result needed to rectify your problem please come back to me


Many thanks, I will follow your advice and hopefully sort the problem out.

Regarding my sockets, they were actually working initially but I think that the electric fire we were using was perhaps too powerful so it tripped the switch. I reset and tried again, and again, on the third attempt when reset, none of them worked. Could I have burnt something out?  

We found the other socket in the top cupboard as luck would have it! So all was not lost. It could only be described as a test of our resolve, with the butane freezing + water (-5) but we soldiered on and had a great time but I should have used the 5Ps, Proper, Preparation, Prevents, Poor, Performance,

We all live and learn!!

Sorry if I’ve bored you with my tale, and thanks for getting back to me.

  • Sunday, 16 February 2014

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